The new killer virus is said to be on its way to the UK

thermometer on blanket

A ‘killer virus’, also known as the Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) broke out around Europe, affecting Iraq and Namibia, also killing 2 reported people in Pakistan. Many experts believe that there is a matter of time because it reaches the UK, where many lives would be at risk.

This virus was created by a type of tick that feeds on small animals, eventually moving onto larger animals (for example, farm animals and livestock) as it grows older. The scientises that are working on finding out more about this virus, have warned that it can kill between 10% and 40% of people infected by it, and it is spready rapidly northward and westward in Europe.

Following the last covid-19 pandemic, it was warned to not kiss your pets if your test was positive. There was no evidence to directly suggest that the virus could be transmitted between you and your pet. But, although there isn’t enough information to exactly tell you to not cuddle with your animal when sick, we should be rather safe than sorry. The virus may also be able to transmit between the animals’ own species.

This will be confirmed later, when this virus will get a chance to be studied, hopefully in the very near future.

The killer virus has been described as the largest current threat to public health. The symptoms include the following: Fever, Headache, Cough, Sore throat, Difficulty breathing, and vomiting.

Currently, this is a live ongoing crisis that you may need to continue looking at the news for updates. As the summer holidays approach, take care in travelling overseas to Europe as not much is currently known about this virus yet.

Written by Katie L Yr8

Boston High School Newsroom

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184 thoughts on “The new killer virus is said to be on its way to the UK

    1. This is well written! I hope this doesn’t end up like covid, Bless those three are infected

  1. Wow, didn’t the covid pandemic just finish? I hope this doesn’t get any worse now

    1. This was written beautifully, I hope all is well for those infected, bless their souls❤️

  2. Very educational to how it’s spread, I hope it doesn’t spread like covid.

  3. How could have this happened? The covid has just ended and this is strange to think about it, since covid had started the same way that this is started.. I’m staying alert for this

  4. This is a very interesting article and a great read, I really hope this virus doesn’t spread as far as the last one though.

  5. This is terrifiying. thanky ou for informingg us of the known symptoms and to not.cuffle pets. as upsetting as it is. This is amzingly written. 🙂

  6. Scary! This was an amazing article aswell and very well written (I understand much more about this topic know thanks to you!)

  7. that’s interesting 🙂 i hope it doesnt spiral out of control or anything given our luck as a species haha. what kind of symptoms (other than death) does it cause?

  8. Thats honestly really scary especially considering covid just ended and how bad it got 🙁 I hope this doesnt get any worse

  9. So well written! I’ve been meaning to do some research on this topic but never got round to it, thank you for sharing!

  10. This seems pretty scary, I hope it doesn’t get worse. Negative things aside, your writing style is great, really got me interested in the topic.

  11. Wow “good” news🧐what else we should expect in new year?3 world war probably

  12. That’s really scary. I hope it doesn’t get worse. Negative things aside, your writing style is great. Really kept me interested in the topic. (Writing this comment again since I’m not sure if the previous one worked :’) )

  13. It’s true but this is a way to keep people under control, also new business style different type of vaccines and viruses

  14. I really hope it goes away ..the best would be if it goes away QUICK leaving no to -not many people seriously inquired or even killed …..

  15. Wow, this is actually terrifying… fingers crossed it gets researched asap. Great article!

    1. This article is really well written!! Thank you for the information and stay safe everyone!

  16. thats pretty scary, soinds simular to covid in a way? good to know beforehand though, intresting article!

  17. thats pretty scary, sounds similar to covid in a way? good to know beforehand though, intresting article!

  18. hoping this won’t become a pandemic as well. two pandemics in such a short ampunt of time is insane.

  19. Wow, I had no idea this virus even existed, this was a very educational article and very well written 💚

  20. That’s an really interresting and informing article, I’m really glad someone writes about it!!

  21. I loved this sm, I didn’t even realise I had been reading for so long I had finished it I was completely captivated by this article.
    Very interesting!!

  22. love this !! it’s so well written and it’s very interesting 🙂 i hope it doesn’t end up like covid but this is a great article !! u didn’t even know about this beforehand

  23. I hope it doesnt become like 2nd covid I’m not sure if the country would be able to recover

  24. well i hope it won’t spread like covid did, i think we all have had enough of being on lockdown

  25. Wow that’s scary! Crazy there haven’t been more news about this I’ve never heard about this before. Great article!

  26. I love to cuddle with my cats this was so sad to hear. I hope they can do more research soon so we know how to handle this. Amazing article!

  27. Great article!
    I do hope it won’t be as serious as covid was. I’d be good if it goes away as quick as it can.

  28. I was not aware of this and i’m sure many others weren’t either, thank you so much for spreading this information!

  29. Not miss my pet? NOT KISS MY PET? This is absolutely tragic, I hope it’s nothing serious.

  30. Please don’t let this be another pandemic, can we have at least be year of peace!?

  31. this is very scary to think about I hope it won’t become similar or worse than covid!

  32. thats pretty scary, hopefully it doesnt breakout and dies quickly, i also enjoy your writing skills! got me invested in the topic 🙂

  33. This is kinda scary, imagine having to leave distance between you and your pet.. (Sorry if im wrong, english is not my first language)

    1. I didn’t know about this virus and i’m probably not the only one. It’s a great article to inform about the virus, because it’s well written and it has all the answers to my questions! Please keep writing these great articles Katie♡︎

  34. this doesn’t sound good, i hope everything will be fine..
    good article though, thank you

  35. This article was really interesting to read, thank you for informing us, I really hope it doesn’t become as bad as Covid.

  36. I hope it won’t spread any further!
    We really don’t need another dangerous virus.

  37. Woah this is awesome! As someone who’s interested in science, viruses, parasites ect this is awesome,

  38. Woah! That sounds scary… But it’s so interesting!! I’m gonna do alot of research on this… new hyperfixation, here I come!

  39. Woah! That sounds scary… But it’s so interesting!! I’m gonna do alot of research on this… new hyperfixation, here I come!

  40. WOAH, I didn’t know about this, that’s crazy.. hopefully we’ve learnt from COVID!

  41. Amazing article! Also 100th commenter, its a very interesting topic, good for people to know about.

  42. Great article! Seems scary, especially after COVID. Hopefully it doesn’t spread wider, and can be stopped in the countries already affected!

  43. This is genuinely terrifying. Hopefully the information spreads fast enough to make people cautious before it becomes a big problem.

  44. That’s scary, I hope it doesn’t become as big as Covid. I didn’t know about this until reading this article and it was very informative.

  45. I didn’t know about this virus and i’m probably not the only one. It’s a great article to inform about the virus, because it’s well written and it has all the answers to my questions! Please keep writing these great articles Katie♡︎

  46. THANK YOU so much for writing about this, I didn’t even know that this virus existed 🫶🫶

    I’m also impressed by your writing, it’s easy to understand and instantly hooked me in on the topic!
    (I apologize if I use the wrong terms, english is not my first language)

  47. i hope it doesn’t come to europe and get people :(, would really hate for something similar to covid to happen again especially since education is vital atm.

  48. I dont belive much in virus’ (not in the case if they are real, but how dangerous ppl make it up to be), but I really hope that it doesn’t break out in pandemic and we would have quarantine again…
    I know It would break alot of people.

  49. With the present interconnections on transport and around the world its scary how this virus could easy spread so much😬

  50. Im so glad I came across this article I didn’t know there was a new virus going around I think it’s amazing that your spreading awareness and educating people !!

  51. I think that virus can come to England, because the covid 19 was just the beginning…

  52. This was such a well written article, I’m hoping that it’s able to be controlled so people don’t have to suffer

  53. Very informative and professional. I hope all goes well and scientists research this and find a solution. Thank you for this well written website and all the best! <3

  54. Yikes i didn’t really know about this, it seems really scary. This is so beautifully written 😁

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